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  New Hampshire Opticians Society By-Laws


Section 1. The Organization shall be known as the New Hampshire Opticians Society.
Section 2. The seal of the organization shall be in such form and contain such words as the Executive Board may determine.


The objects and purposes of the organization shall be:

Section 1. To direct the public opinion to the value of proper dispensing service.
Section 2. To disseminate scientific and technical information among members.
Section 3. To provide a means of relating New Hampshire opticians to similar organizations within the United States.
Section 4. To provide a means for the representation to New Hampshire opticians to agencies concerned with Ophthalmic Dispensing within the State through education, high standard and legal identification.


Section 1. There shall be four classes of members, namely Certified, Regular, Associate, and Student.
Section 2. Certified members shall be retail dispensing opticians either working and/or residing within the State of New Hampshire and must hold a current State License or be certified by the American Board of Opticianry. They must be registered with the State of New Hampshire as a dispensing optician.
Section 3. Regular members shall be retail dispensing opticians either working and/or residing within the State of New Hampshire. They hold no License or Certification but must be registered with the State of New Hampshire.
Section 4. Associate members shall be any other person concerned with advancing the objectives and purposes of the organization.
Section 5. Student members shall be enrolled full time in an Ophthalmic Dispensing degree program at an accredited school.
Section 6. To maintain Certified and Regular membership status, a person must pay their dues, submit a copy of their Registration Certificate from the State of New Hampshire, and submit proof of earning 4(four)continuing education credits on an annual basis to the membership committee. Student members shall be enrolled full time in an Ophthalmic Dispensing degree program at an accredited school.
Section 7. Members shall be elected or rejected by secret majority vote of those members in attendance.
Section 8. Any member may be suspended by secret majority vote, but only after the person has been offered an opportunity for defense in an open hearing against the charge or offense.



Section 1. Only Certified and Regular members shall be eligible to vote and hold office. Associate and Student members may serve on all committees.
Section 2. A quorum shall consist of 25 (twenty five) percent of the current membership in good standing.


Initiation, Dues, and Assessments

Section 1. There shall be an initiation fee of $50.00 accompanying the application for all classes of membership except Student membership.
Section 2. The annual dues for Certified and Regular members shall not exceed $100.00 (including OAA fee) payable in advance. The annual dues for Associate members shall not exceed $50.00 payable in advance. Any person applying for Student membership shall not exceed $35.00 payable in advance. Any person applying for membership whose application is approved after May 1st shall pay ½ the annual dues. The dues year shall be from September 30th to September 29th.
Section 3. Assessments may be made for specific purposes, by vote of a majority of those present at any meeting of which all members are specifically warned at least 3(three) days in advance. Associate and Student members shall not be required to pay such assessments.
Section 4. Any member whose dues remain unpaid by January1st will be suspended from membership. A suspended member may be reinstated by majority vote of members at any meeting upon payment of the dues in arrears.
Section 5. No retired members will be billed for annual dues but will be required to pay OAA dues.



Section 1. There shall be 4 (four) regular meetings each year, preferably in January, March, June and the September meeting shall be known as the Annual Meeting.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called for specific purposes either by the President or on the written appeal of 3 (three) Certified and/or Regular members.



Section 1. The officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer to be elected for one year from the Certified and/or Regular membership by a majority vote at the Annual Meeting.
Section 2. The President shall be Executive Officer of the organization and preside at all meetings and shall be a member of all committees ex officio.
Section 3. The Vice-President will preside at all meetings in the absence of the President and shall be a member of all committees.
Section 4. The Secretary and Treasurer shall keep a correct list of all members and keep the minutes of all meetings and other records of the organization and perform other duties assigned by the President. The Secretary and Treasurer shall keep a fair and accurate account of all monies paid to the Society and keep them in a depository selected by vote of the members. A statement of accounts will be presented at each regular meeting and when otherwise requested by the President. The Treasurer shall pay all orders and sign all checks.
Section 5. In case a vacancy shall occur, from any cause, in any office or on the Executive Board, the remaining members of the Executive Board may, by ballot, elect a person to fill such vacancy who shall hold office until the next Annual Meeting.


Boards and Committees

Section 1. The President, upon taking office, shall appoint an Education Committee, a Nomination Committee, an Auditing Committee, and a Membership Committee, each consisting of 2 (two) or more members, plus other committees as deemed necessary.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers and the immediate past President.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall consist of not more than 9 (nine) members. Membership will consist of the Executive Board and 5 (five) Certified or Regular members. The term of office, other than the Executive Board, shall be 3 (three) years with no members serving more than 2 (two) consecutive terms. Elections will be held by majority vote at the Annual Meeting.
Section 4. The Board of Directors shall have the power to conduct the business of the organization, shall lead the committees in meeting the objectives of the organization, and shall keep the membership informed of its activities.
Section 5. In case a vacancy shall occur, from any cause, on the Board of Directors, the remaining members of the Board may, by ballot, elect a person to fill such vacancy who shall hold office until the next Annual Meeting.
Section 6. The Board of Directors shall be subject to all other articles in these By-Laws.


The By-Laws may be amended only by a two thirds vote of Certified and Regular membership present and after properly moved and seconded in at least one prior meeting provided that proper warning is given to all members at least 7 (seven) days in advance of the meeting at which final action is to be taken.

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